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Floods of Pakistan: Connection of Global Issues


Updated: May 19, 2023

Floods of Pakistan

Between June and October 2022, floods in Pakistan killed almost 2,000 people, and negatively impacted over 30 million. The immediate causes of the floods were heavier than usual monsoon rains and melting glaciers that followed a severe heat wave, both of which are linked to climate change. The flooding was the world’s deadliest since the 2020 South Asian floods. It was described as the worst in the country’s history. On top of the human impact, these floods caused almost $30 billion in damages. Even now, months later, one in fifteen people in Pakistan are affected by these floodwaters. Hundreds of thousands of homes and numerous sanitation and public health facilities have been destroyed.

Because numerous sanitation facilities in Pakistan were destroyed, disease is now ravaging the country. Due to lack of sanitation and healthcare facilities, people battle malnutrition, diarrhea, malaria, dengue fever, typhoid, acute respiratory infections, and painful skin conditions. The widespread floods and destruction of water systems do not help the situation as water borne diseases such as cholera are now an imminent threat.

Pakistan’s recovery from these floods will take a very long time. Not only for the recovery of healthcare and sanitation facilities, but for the recovery of the affected people. Not only have these floods displaced people from their homes, but these floods have also made it extremely hard to get food. Nearly 15 million people need immediate food assistance.

Foreigners Providing Aid in Pakistan

Image: foreigners provide aid in Pakistan

As the humanitarian condition in Pakistan continues to plummet, the economic and water situations are plummeting as well. Nearly. 9 million people are being pushed from the middle class into poverty, and millions do not have access to clean water.

As I continue to learn more about global health issues, I am beginning to realize that many of these global issues are intertwined. In my previous post, I explored the connection between the sanitation and water crises, and I realize that is same connection can be made in Pakistan as after the sanitation facilities are damaged, disease will ravage the country more easily. In future posts, I will continue to examine these connections and learn more about local and global issues and possible solutions.




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